A Conscientious Objector to the Irrational Radical Right

Thursday, January 12, 2006

a welcome

I realised a few days ago that I never gave a formal introduction to this web site. I thought I'd catch up on this necessity tonight, seeing as five hours of sleep is probably more than anyone's ever needed to work a ten hour computer programming shift.

Let's get one thing straight. I'm no political wonk in any way. I have a couple of topics that I read up on quite a bit, like poverty and corporate policy, but after that, I'm kind of lost. It's embarassing, I know. You'd think I'd rather spend my time doing things other than claiming the "ircpolitics" blogspot url as my own in an attempt to take on the politically savvy right wingers in an IRC chat room called <a href="" />#politics</a>, but one has to do what one can. When a guy is watching his country turn into something strange, something he doesn't recognize, he can't just sit back and watch it happen without doing taking any small part that he can.

And I'm starting to not recognize my country. I see my countrymen approving of torture. I see them approving of having their phones tapped without oversight in the name of security. I see science playing second fiddle to creationism and faith based initiatives, and falling altogether at being politicized. I'm seeing a woman's right to choose an abortion being chipped away, and the progressive ideas of inclusion and diversity with the interest of equality basically falling off the page entirely.

So, in the interest of fighting the good fight, I make this small contribution to the debate. I've been a blogger of a few different styles, from social commentary to humor, and if I can handle creative writing, why the hell can't I handle politics?

So, here's to the online revolution, and here's to progressive politics.



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